Be aware with menthol cigarette

April 20, 2012

Cigarette is one of smoke maker that dangerous enough for human’s organ inside, in spite of that still many cigarette lover. Besides WHO said that tobacco have been killed around six million people per year, a newest research in America said that this very moment the menthol cigarette is more dangerous than the ordinary one or non-menthol, it has been examined by a researcher who is also a doctor clinic in Saint Michel Hospital in Toronto from Canada, Nicholas Vozoris.  
 “smoker of menthol cigarette is more risk of getting stroke. This is very clear especially for women and non-African descent,” said one of researcher.
Vozoris was using five smoker as sample of his research, and he found that menthol smokers will get more complication of diseases, such as hypertension, heart attack and COPD or lung disorder.  
He added that the other researchers also have found that menthol can make longer cigarette inhaled, nevertheless they didn’t explain clearly about the relationship between menthol cigarette with stroke. The researcher from Turkey explained more clear about this, whether a menthol cigarette or not they blocked the distribution of blood into heart.   (Lia)

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1 komentar

  1. aku ga mudeng bhasane lia hehehhe tpi intine ttg rokok menthol thoo hehehhe
