The Australian Will Put Back Away Their Army From Afghanistan

April 20, 2012

The Afghanistan’s war seems that will unended. America and Israel  has being recruiting wider alliances to peel off Afghanistan totally.
Australia is one of the ally that sent to swipe Afghanistan’s land. However the reality seem speaks differently, Australia is no longer an ally, they put away their army back. That diplomatic statement stated by Australian’s Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. The prime minister is planning to put the armys back in the middle of 2013, a year earlier from the last plan, having Afghanistan’s precident Hamid Karzai was given a protection in the province of Urugzan where 1.550 armies is placed.   

  In addition to put back the armies, Julia will also give big support to Afghanistan when they are in a meeting with NATO next month in Chichago. Besides, the other reason is the democracy countries is tired of that unended war.   (Lia)

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