An Assassination of Muslim Myanmar in Myanmar

June 29, 2012

Muslim Myanmar is waiting for help
Myanmar or it used to be called as Burma is a country with Buddhist as majority religion there. It is in horrible conflict now which did by its own people. muslim as its minority religion is being discriminated for years until right now, they are murdered by Buddhist in Assassin way. 

the bloody conflict is happened in Rakhine-Myanmar sunday morning at June, 3rd 2012 when Buddist spread out printed pictures of a Buddhist woman named Ma Thida Htwe as the victim of abused by Muslims. foward, the bloody day was happened. 300 Buddhists which are joining in Rakhine Patriotic did brutal attack to the bus with Muslims passenger because they believe that the suspects were in that bus.

the Buddhists are not contented after killed Muslims in the bus, they did burned up and killed Muslims, their acts have been caused hundred thousand Muslims vanished. The unsatisfied news is from Myanmar Government still. They made segregation to Muslims there, they didn't admit the Muslims nationality as Myanmar people, they called them as dis-nationality persons. the Myanmar's government believes that the Muslims are illegal migrant from Bangladesh. However Kyaw Myint Zan, a people ministry of domestic affair try to find out and solve the assassination problem of it and investigate it in principle of justice way.

'Because the brutal is keep going on, chief of opposition Aung San Suu Kyi insist the Thailand which the people are Buddhist to show off their 'Sympathy' with the minority one aftre those assassination' as taken from which try to show their 'SYMPATHY' not 'EMPATHY'.
Egyptians in front of Myanmar embassy in Egypt
The act which broke the human Right (HAM/ Hak Asasi Manusia) had been attract other countries to keep their hands on for Muslims in Myanmar. As Egyptians who did demonstration in front of Myanmar's embassy in Mesir to criticize Myanmar's government that didn't care with human right for Muslims in there. Even they threaten to close off Myanmar's embassy if they do nothing to solve it.

other criticize to give hand for human right comes from Thailand. They show their empathy for Muslims in Myanmar thru their demo act in front of Myanmar's embassy just like Egyptian did. They coerce Myanmar's government to give protection for Muslims there, they send it thru a poster they brought.

Said Aqil (Chief of LPOI)

without drag behind Indonesia also open and give hand to help Muslims in Myanmar from their bloody days. LPOI (Lembaga Persatuan Ormas Islam. read: The Unity Of Muslim Organizations) which build up with 13 Islam's organizations consist of (launched by NU in their official website NU, Persatuan Islam, Al-Irsyad Al-Islmiyah, Arrobithah Al-Alawiyah, Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia, Mathla’ul Anwar, Al-Ittihadiyah, Adz-Dzikra, Al-Washliyah, Ikatan Dai Indoesia, Syariakat Islam Indonesia, Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiyah, dan Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah. their blow act KH. Aqil Said Siroj ('K' is like Syech, while 'H' is a person who had done their obligation to do Hajji) as the chief of LPOI threaten Myanmar to launch their act solve this problem.

"Muslims are give human right in the higher position. So the freedom of being in a religion must be appreciated," said by Aqil Said. (as taken from

"they will keep their eyes on and give the hands quickly if the problem goes to Jews. but how about if it happened to Islam? Where is human right protector in PBB?" said by Aqil Said. (as taken from        

Muslims of Myanmar evacuate themself in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Malaysia. every religion have right to stay alive in their chosen religion, include Islam. Human Right (HAM) is a right which can be hold by every human wherever they live in or whatever their religion is, there is no favoritism in human right bound.
Myanmar have to investigate this problem quickly and the voice and act from human right protector in PBB are very needed by the world.


  • AFP. Burma Selidiki Warga Muslim. accessed at 6/03/2012. 12:05 PM
  • Akbar, Choilis dan Dija. Innalillah! Pembantaian Muslim Myanmar Berlanjut.!-pembantaian-muslim-myanmar-berlanjut.html. accessed at 6/03/2012. 12:05 PM
  • Althaf. Warga Mesir Berdemonstrasi Menentang Pembantaian Muslim di Myanmar. accessed at 6/03/2012. 12:05 PM
  • Abna. Warga Muslim Thailand Kutuk Pembantaian Muslim di Myanmar. accessed at 6/03/2012.12:00 PM
  •  Jurnas. 13 Ormas Islam Kutuk Pembantaian Rohingya di Myanmar. accessed at 6/03/2012. 12:05 PM
  • Khoiron, Mahbib. Ormas Islam Kutuk Pembantaian Muslimin Rohingya. accessed at 6/03/2012 . 12:05 PM
  • Islam, Panji. Harus Ada Perwakilan Umat Islam Kunjingi Myanmar. accessed at 6/03/2012 . 12:05 PM 

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